Chairman Bilawal’s media talk at the SC building

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari attended the hearing of the presidential reference on Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s murder. Talking to the media in the premises of the Supreme Court, Chairman PPP said that he hopes that the justice which the daughter of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto could not get will be provided to his grandson. 

Chairman PPP said that Pakistan was ruled by dictatorship for about half of its existence and Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was martyred during a dictatorship. Now, the progress of the judiciary and parliament are linked to this issue. We hope that the founder of the Constitution who laid the foundation of the buildings of the Supreme Court and the Parliament, will get justice. He was judicially murdered. For a murder, there is no time limitation for the case to be taken up. Honourable judges will decide through this reference whether justice was meted out in this case during a dictatorship and the resultant remedy. The judiciary will be able to wash out the blot on it. The Chief Justice has said today that the blot on the other institutions will also be washed through this opportunity. We can draw a line on the sand that whatever happened in the past was wrong so that we can look towards the future so such heinous crimes are not repeated. Chairman Bilawal said that Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir had a dream to get justice for her father and we are thankful to President Zardari for sending this reference which provided us an opportunity to get justice. He said that he was impressed by the intellectual calibre of the judges. They are looking at the case with not only the regard to law but also history and the facts and figures are on their fingertips. It gives me pleasure to see that the first woman judge of the Supreme Court is also in the bench hearing this case, Chairman Bilawal expressed. History goes forward in a beautiful manner. 

Responding to the questions by the journalists, Chairman Bilawal said that one remedy is the judicial reference and other avenues are also available. If there is no time limitation for those aggrieved by a murder to file a case, then an FIR against the conspirators too can be filed. “What can stop the judiciary from pursuing Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s case then?”, Chairman Bilawal expressed. This avenue too is being contemplated. We hope that by this judicial reference we can correct our history as we want to see our institutions blotless. Hence, the legal process could also be explored through a FIR. Responding to another question, Chairman PPP said that he is not impatient regarding the hearing of this case. Journalists should present evidence before levelling any allegation against me, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said. 

Chairman Bilawal said that the people are so aware that they did not give a mandate to any single party which gives the message that they do not wish for a single party to face the challenges alone. The people are saying that the parties should get together, and this is known as ‘compromise’ in politics. There is give and take in political coalitions. The people of Pakistan have given their verdict and now the political parties will have to get together to steer the country out of difficulties, save our federation, democracy, parliamentary system and the economy. The only way to achieve this is through dialogue and compromise. The earlier the government formation is completed, the better it is for the country because questions are being raised over the delay which is due to the non-seriousness of the other side. The PTI is technically the largest party but they do not want to talk to anyone. The second largest is the PML-N and the PPP has decided to be receptive to it since it was approached by them. We will give our vote to the PML-N on our own terms. The delay in the government formation is the country’s loss. PPP is steadfast on its philosophy and if the other side is not ready to change its stance then a very dangerous stalemate is expected which will not be in favour of the Pakistani democracy, economy, federation and political stability.

Sherry challenges proposed public executions, stresses improved prosecutions, investigations for combating sexual crimes

Senator Sherry Rehman, Vice President of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), on Monday strongly opposed the proposal by Jamat-e-Islami’s Senator Mushtaq Ahmed to introduce public executions for rapists through amendments to the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and Criminal Procedure Code, calling it a counter effective measure in deterring sexual crimes and urged improved prosecutions and investigations to address the matter.

Speaking during a session of the Senate, she said: “The Peoples Party has always had a principled stance against the death penalty, whether public or private. While the PPP staunchly condemns rape as a heinous and grave crime, calling for the death penalty or public executions, as seen in various countries, have not proven to be effective in deterring sexual crimes. We must prioritize enhancing prosecutions and investigations rather than resorting to barbarism and violence within society.”

She added that there have been historical attempts at public executions during Ziaul Haq’s era which failed to reduce crime.

“If public hanging is advocated for one crime, it will be demanded for other offenses as well. The PPP focuses on the importance of addressing the prevailing anger towards violence and sexual crimes through comprehensive measures, including improved funding for the police, enhanced criminal investigations, and better training for officers handling rape cases.”

Further stressing the PPP’s commitment to human rights principles, Senator Rehman advocated for comprehensive solutions and the reallocation of resources to better support survivors.

“We reject the notion that public hangings serve as an effective solution and call for careful consideration of crimes, fair trials, and increased conviction rates as more practical deterrents,” she said, adding that Pakistan already has life-sentence punishment for rape.

“There is a need for a nuanced and well-thought-out approach to address crimes against women, focusing on comprehensive legal reforms and cultural changes rather than resorting to public executions. In contemporary 21st-century society, we cannot revert to medieval practices, as public executions to eliminate crimes; instead, they will have other detrimental effects on society.”

Chairman Bilawal addresses press conference after CEC meeting

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the Pakistan People’s Party’s two-day long meeting of CEC has concluded. The current political situation of the country was discussed with respect to stability. Concerns about Pakistan reaching a crisis point were also under discussion. 

The Pakistan Peoples Party’s principled stance is that it needs to help the country emerge from the plethora of crises it is faced with. The time has come yet again for the Party to raise the slogan of ‘Pakistan Khappay’. “The reality is that the PPP does not have a mandate to form the federal government and this is why, I will not be putting myself forward for the candidacy of the Prime Minister of Pakistan”, Chairman PPP said. There are two other groups that have more numbers in the National Assembly, the independent group and the PML-N. The PTI has announced that they will not engage in a dialogue with the PPP and that rules out the possibility of an independent and PTI-led government. That leaves us with PML-N which is the only political party in the National Assembly who have reached out to the PPP and invited us to join their government. The PPP has decided that while we are not in a position to join the federal government ourselves, nor will we be interested in taking ministries in such a setup, we also do not want to see political chaos in the country. We do not want to see perpetual crisis in the country. What are our options? If the PTI does not want our votes and the PML-N does not form a majority, and if I am not the PM candidate and this House fails to elect a PM and form the government, then we will have to go back for re-elections and this will lead to another perpetuation of this political crisis. Political stability will not return, rather political instability will increase. The consequences of this will be faced by the people of Pakistan, who at this moment, are facing not only a political crisis but also an economic one, the very real threat of terrorism and climate change. 

The PPP contested this election on a manifesto, one that revolved around the issues of public importance including the Awami Muashi Muahida and our commitment to the people of Pakistan to put an end to the political instability and toxicity. To that end, the PPP will be willing to support on an issue-to-issue basis and in the case of important votes for the candidate of the PM of Pakistan, to ensure that a government is formed and political stability is restored. In that context, the PPP has decided that we will form a committee of members of the Party to engage with other political parties. As far as government formation is concerned and the question of political stability, the PPP will make a committee to engage with counterparts based on its views. We will make efforts to push the country in a direction which is the right of the Pakistani people, who participated in this election. They do not wish for further chaos. They are looking at their politicians to help them emerge from further turmoil. 

The members of the CEC raised objections over the PML-N and our experience with them for 18 months. Members of the Party, especially from Punjab, KP and other provinces expressed their grievances over their issues not being resolved. Confidence-building hence is vital, which is why we will not only discuss government formation in the meetings with other parties, but also demand of them to address the PPP’s grievances.  

Talking about the 2024 general elections, Chairman PPP said that unfortunately, as was the case in the past, including 2013 and 2018, this election too suffered from similar objections. The members of the PPP’s CEC too expressed their views regarding the level playing field, rigging and irregularities. It has been decided that the PPP’s CEC will collect all such complaints as far as this election is concerned. Moreover, despite these objects, grievances and protests over these elections, we will accept the results due in the larger interest of the people and the country. We would simultaneously want to address these issues so that the upcoming elections are not questioned. We will also use forums such as the Election Commission of Pakistan, the Parliament etc. During the election campaign, the CEC of the Party had raised concerns with President Zardari regarding the lack of a level playing field and he had ensured the meeting that they would be addressed. Unfortunately, the PPP has numerous objections despite that. 

Chairman Bilawal said that he himself conveyed to President Zardari on behalf of the CEC to help address the concerns over the level playing field, given the evidence of irregularities. It cannot be that the same grievances are raised in every election. In the larger interest of political stability in Pakistan, this issue too should be addressed. 

Chairman PPP said that he wishes to give hope and a message to the people of Pakistan, in wake of the dropping of points at the Stock Exchange and concerns of the international community and the people that the Parliament and a government will be formed; it is the forum where the issues of the people are resolved. The PPP will ensure, not for its own sake but that of the country that a government is established and we do not head towards a new election which plunges us into deeper chaos. 

Responding to questions, Chairman Bilawal said that a clear mandate was not achieved. Neither the independent candidates supported by the PTI, nor the PML-N and the PPP are in the position to form their own respective governments. Elections do not take place easily; they demand the hard work and blood of our workers. If we head towards a re-election, we still foresee chaos and political instability. Moreover, there is also uncertainty regarding other political parties accepting those results. The message the people of Pakistan are sending is falling on deaf ears as far as the politicians are concerned. The Pakistani people gave a split mandate so that the country is not run on one entity’s whims alone. They voted in this manner so that the political parties would collaborate and solve the problems of the people. Unfortunately, the PTI today too is taking decisions that are not in the interest of the people. The people voted for them so that they would solve their problems. We are talking to the other political force, but they would have to listen as well. The PPP believes that it is our responsibility to help the people of the country and evade instability. This is the reason the PPP has raised the slogan of ‘Pakistan Khappay’ yet again. 

Chairman Bilawal said that the PPP will not take ministries in the government; it will support the government on an issue-to-issue basis, its manifesto and important votes. We have formed a dialogue committee to convey our terms and conditions. Chairman PPP further said that he does not believe that he will be the Opposition Leader. 

Chairman PPP said that the Party will make efforts to form the government in Sindh and Balochistan. Moreover, the PPP has the right to hold constitutional positions. When Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had 17 seats in the National Assembly, the Party still nominated its candidates for constitutional posts. The PPP will definitely nominate its candidates for these positions. He further said that it is the prerogative of PML-N and other political parties to nominate their PM candidates. The Party will decide its nominees for these posts. “It is my personal desire that President Zardari is the PPP’s candidate for the post of the President, because the country is currently burning and if anyone has the capacity to help put the fire out, it is President Zardari”, Chairman PPP said. It is imperative for the country that President Zardari assumes this responsibility for the sake of the country yet again. 

Answering a question, Chairman Bilawal said that the PPP’s stance has always been in support of the Parliament and the PM completing their terms. If the PML-N’s candidate engages in the traditional politics of hatred and division, then it will be very difficult for the federation and democracy to operate. Not only the PML-N, but all political parties including the PTI should not think for themselves, but the country. The country’s enemies would want to benefit from the current situation. We should engage in politics within the constitutional domain. Moreover, political forces need to realise that ‘it takes two to tango’.  

Chairman Bilawal, while responding to a question said that while there may be clashes in policy of the PPP and other political parties, it is the beauty of democracy that both views are respected. If the decisions made by the Parliament are based on consensus, then it is hoped that the people will benefit. If we do not focus on the basic problems of the people, it will not only harm a political party but the entire nation.  

Chairman Bilawal said that the PPP could have taken advantage of this political situation, and blackmailed the PTI and the PML-N. This is not the politics of reconciliation, but our love for the people of Pakistan that is compelling us to make this decision. We have to choose between our politics and for the system of the country to run, for which the PPP’s leaders and Jiyalas have rendered great sacrifices. As far as the Party’s space in Punjab is concerned, the conspiracy against the PPP is a continuation of the pattern in the past. It has been conveyed to President Zardari to address these concerns. Form 45s are received from the polling stations due to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s efforts as she strived for electoral reforms to take place during Dictator General Musharraf’s rule. The consensus formula for the interim government was derived because the PPP introduced an amendment. Had the PPP not done that, then in 2013, it could have conducted the elections as it pleased. The PPP will not engage in the politics of extremism. “The people of Pakistan do not expect of me to take an extreme position solely to cater to my personal interests”, Chairman Bilawal expressed. 

Chairman PPP said that the Party expressed its concerns over the elections before the media and also wrote to the ECP. We are relaying our concerns regarding the level playing field to President Zardari to be resolved since he had assured the CEC of it. This can be addressed by the political parties of the country conducting electoral reforms in a manner that leaves no room for objections in the next elections. 

Chairman Bilawal said that the PTI has made it a habit to cry wolf in every single election despite the fact that it is a historical fact and reality that in the majority of those elections, the odds were not against them. We all remember the 35 punctures and how the country was destabilised and our fragile democracy was harmed through the protests and sit-ins. We also have concerns and there are forums for them to be addressed. Even if the seats do change a little bit, no political party will be in the position to form the government alone. The PTI themselves have said that they are not willing to talk to any political party. From this statement, it is obvious that they are not interested in forming the government and creating an environment of political stability. They would like to continue their extreme, populist politics where they wish to delegitimise as many democratic processes as possible. They believe it is to their political benefit to spread chaos in the country. The challenge of this sort of populism is not unique to Pakistan. We have now come to a point where even the democratic system of America is being challenged along the same playbook whether you are with or without facts on your side; you accuse and repeat the message of rigging to delegitimise the democratic process and institutions. Once the populists delegitimise these democratic institutions, then they manage to whip up a sentiment within the country that allows them to not only form the government but use it to undermine institutions. This is a challenge all over the world. Pakistan’s fragile democracy, where 50% of its rule has been under direct dictatorships, it is very difficult to cope with this populist challenge. This populist challenge must be met democratically and politically. The only answer to this challenge is more and more democracy. If the government that is to be formed decides to respond to the populist notions in a manner that it resorts to its own extreme and populist politics, then we are in a vicious cycle. The consequences of this approach will be borne by the people of Pakistan, especially in the wake of the economic and security crises. We have a host of challenges to solve. It will be our constant effort to convince all sides that politics should remain within the democratic space. We should consult ourselves in a manner that strengthens democratic and civilian institutions, not for our shortsighted political gains. 

Responding to another question, Chairman Bilawal said the MQM adopted a violent approach. It is also a concern that militant elements of the Party were freed in the elections. Our candidates were subjected to violence, their offices and cars were burned. Whoever, despite all this, we will not compromise on the peace and progress of the city of Karachi. Our message to them too is not to engage in the politics of hatred and refrain from dividing the city based on linguistic politics.

“Governments in centre, Punjab and Balochistan not to be formed sans PPP”- Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

“PPP’s door open to every political party for dialogue, reconciliation vital for political stability”- Chairman PPP

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari responding to questions by panels of journalists on various private television channels said that he is thankful to the people of Pakistan for supporting the Party and voting in the elections. The result so far show that the PPP is the only party with representation in all four provinces. The PPP is the Party linking all four provinces. The full results have not been announced yet. We are not yet aware of the decisions of the independent candidates. It is too soon to predict who will be forming the government in the centre and the provinces. “I can tell you this much, that no one can form the government in the centre, Punjab or Balochistan without the PPP’s support” Chairman Bilawal said. The PPP contested these elections as per its manifesto and a new thinking. “The message I have given to the people of Pakistan is that we wish to bury the politics of hatred and division and can no longer continue the traditional manner of doing politics”, Chairman Bilawal said. We wish to reduce the political instability because it is vital for economic stability. So far, the PPP has not engaged officially with the PML-N, PTI or any other party. Once the results are finalised, then the Central Executive Committee of the Party which had nominated me as the candidate will sit again and devise the course of action, Chairman PPP said. It is in the interest of the country that we forge a political consensus on the way forward in the CEC of the party. We will try to forge this political consensus and would like to bring some positive change for the people of the country. If the government is formed, then we will not be able to resolve the problems of the people without addressing the political toxicity. 

Responding to a question, Chairman Bilawal said that the PPP contested the elections based on its manifesto and will try its best to implement it. We will not be able to form the government on our own, Chairman PPP said. Hence, it might not be possible to implement every policy of the Party. On the economic front, we should take every possible measure to ensure that the country is prosperous. We have to introduce reforms in our SOPs in this case. In the government that is formed, we along with our allies would have to devise solutions. If we deem privatisation to be the sole solution, then that will be adopted. If I am successful in convincing our allies to take the route of public-private partnership, then that will be adopted as we have had a successful experience in Sindh, Chairman PPP stated. From infrastructure schemes to the mining in the Thar Coal Project or establishing educational and healthcare institutions, we have utilised public-private partnership in Sindh. We can deliver through this method. Chairman Bilawal said that he has never been a member of the SIFC and he is not privy to the intricacies, but the economic policies would have to be based on consensus. As far as the elite subsidies or devolution are concerned, the PPP is steadfast on following through with them, and we will make efforts to implement our manifesto to whatever extent possible. 

Responding to another question regarding the rumoured meetings with political counterparts, Chairman Bilawal further said that he is in no position to confirm any such meeting. This is the preliminary stage. The PPP is still waiting for the results to be confirmed. The decisions of the independent candidates are also awaited. We will be in the position to engage with other political parties, be it the PML-N, PTI or other independent candidates after the results are finalised.  

Answering a question regarding the Lahore election, Chairman PPP said that he was winning as per the initial results but overnight, the position changed. 61000 voters had entered through the PPP’s polling stations as per the tally received through the Party’s mobile app prior to the discontinuation of internet and mobile services. We are not disappointed at all, Chairman PPP said. These elections have revealed the PPP’s true potential which is unlimited. With limited campaigning, the PPP has received an astounding response from Lahore and the Party’s future as far as Punjab is concerned is very bright. According to the current numbers, the Chief Minister of Punjab will not be successful without the PPP’s votes. The PPP made efforts legislatively for the restoration of student unions. It included institutions devising a code of conduct for the student unions however this has not implemented till now. The PPP’s Sindh government was the first to announce its labour policy post devolution. We have begun the Benazir Mazdoor Card in Sindh, and if the EOBI is devolved as per the 18th Amendment, then the provincial government will not only be able to provide facilities to labour unions but also the labourers. We have expanded the parameter of the Mazdoor Card in Sindh to include an array of labourers, including those who are self-employed or working elsewhere. 

Responding to a question, Chairman Bilawal said that there has been no contact with Barrister Gohar so far as the PPP is waiting for the counting to conclude. We are in contact with certain independent candidates. As far as the PTI block is concerned, no contact has been made.

Regarding the government formation in Sindh, Chairman PPP said that the Party is focusing on setting up the government in the center, Balochistan and Punjab as it does not have any competition in Sindh. We will all have to make a coalition government in Balochistan. In that government, our first priority will be to replicate the successful projects of Sindh in Balochistan for the people of the province. My effort will be to establish a health facility like the NICVD in Balochistan so that too feel that they are stakeholders in the state, Chairman Bilawal stated. Our development agenda will be human-centric. We need reconciliation to establish peace in Balochistan. Everyone knows our stance on terrorism and we need to have consensus on that as well. We will be able to deliver to the people by reducing the political temperature. 

Responding to a question about irregularities in the counting process and results, he said that some complaints are being received from Karachi which must be addressed. The independents are from different leanings. Some are nominated by the PTI. We are yet to find out how many wish to remain with the PTI. 

Chairman Bilawal said that his priority is the people of Pakistan and he would like to form a consensus government to establish political stability. As far as the new “Charter of Democracy” is concerned, even if a new charter is not curated, we should at least devise a code of conduct in politics. This is imperative to create an environment where pollical differences do not transformed into personnel vendetta. Nawaz Sharif made his speech in haste. He too should have waited for the finalised results as us, but it is ultimately his and his party’s prerogative. If politicians start harbouring mutual respect, then there is no power on earth that could stop Pakistan from progressing, Chairman Bilawal said.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addresses in Karachi

Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that he is the son of Karachi and if the people give him a chance on February 8, he will change the landscape of the metropolis through public service and development.

He urged the Karachiites to reject those elements selling mixture of hatred and division, who forget Karachi every time they become part of the federal government by bargaining on the rights of the city.

According to the  press release issued by Media Cell Bilawal House, the PPP chairman is leading a grand rally in ‘Quaid’s City’ in connection with his nationwide election campaign, which started from Bilawal House Chowrangi Karachi. The rally passed through Shirin Jinnah Colony, Tara Chand Road, Kemari, Machhi Miani and Khara Dar and reached Chakiwara Lyari, from where it will reach Malir via different parts of the city, while its final destination will be Dawood Chowrangi. 

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, while addressing different places, said that he has campaigned in every area of the four provinces, but Karachi is different in this regard. “Karachi is my own city. Not only was I born here, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was also born in the same city of Karachi. When I say that I want to serve Karachi, (and) play my role in the development of Karachi, then (that means) I want to take care of my own home,” he added.

Chairman Pakistan People’s Party thanked Karachiites for their support to his party in the recent local body elections, saying: “I am thankful to the people of Karachi for trusting me and not only winning from Kemari, but also from the entire city and electing a Jiyala mayor for the first time in history.” He further said that even on February 8, the people of Karachi should trust him and make the PPP candidates successful. “This will be the first time in history, not only will the local government system be in my hands, Insha Allah the provincial government will also be in my hands, and if you are with me, the federal government will also be in my hands,” he told the charged crowd. 

He said that if the people vote for the PPP candidates contesting on 20 seats of Karachi, then he will transform the city through dedicated public service and development in the next five years. “Other parties are contesting elections for their own interests, I am contesting elections for the rights of the people,” he pointed out.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the people should also compare the other parties which are contesting against the PPP in the general elections. “These parties are doing politics of hatred and division, selling some Churan (mixture) or the other,” he said, adding that someone is trying to divide Karachi on the basis of religion, some language and some communalism. “On February 8, you (people) should stamp the Arrow (symbol on ballot paper) and answer these forces that this is the Karachi of all of us. We will not allow anyone to try to divide on the basis of hatred. This city has made many sacrifices because of the politics of violence, they are part of history,” he added.

The PPP chairman said that in the February 8 general elections, the real contest is between only two parties, saying: “One is the party with the Tiger symbol and the other is your city’s party with the Teer.” He urged the people to reject those indulging in politics of hatred and division as well as not to support independent candidates, as the move would amount to wasting their votes. “Karachi Walo (People of Karachi)! Give me a chance this time, you give your brother a chance. I will not disappoint you. I want to undertake (development) work in Karachi’s every nook and corner. If you want to solve the problems facing the metropolis, then once you have to support the PPP,” he urged. 

He said that Karachi’s votes were robbed in the past, but now people will not allow anyone to steal their mandate.   

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari once again appealed to the public to come up with full support for the PPP candidates in February 8 polls. He also took an oath from his party candidates that they would serve the people without any discrimination after winning the election.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has pointed out that the nation is well aware of the reality and past of rival parties contesting against the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has pointed out that the nation is well aware of the reality and past of rival parties contesting against the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in the February 8 general elections. He added that voters will reject those engaged in politics of hatred, division, revenge, and violence, including those who clapped on slogans against Pakistan.

According to a press release issued by Media Cell Bilawal House, the PPP chairman reached Hyderabad, the historic and second-largest city of Sindh, as part of his nationwide election campaign, where thousands of people were present to listen to his speech. He thanked the people of Hyderabad for extending full support to his party in the local body election, saying: “I am thankful to the people of Hyderabad; you trusted me and paved the way for a Jiyala to become the Mayor of this city.”

He said the people of Hyderabad have seen the politics of hatred, division and violence for a long time, and due to it, they have suffered and sacrificed, but they have never backed down. “You have never bowed down before a dictator, a tyrant, a Yazid, I salute you,” he added.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that whoever is contesting against the PPP in the recent elections, the people are well aware of their reality and past, and added: “You saw in the nineties, what did they do to this city? You are aware of their politics of hatred and division.” He said the PPP wanted to eliminate such politics from the country and serve the people without any discrimination. “We want to bury the politics of hatred, division and violence, we want to fight the real problems of the people, which is unemployment, poverty, and inflation,” he pointed out.

The PPP chairman said that while one party in Hyderabad wants to do politics of hatred and division, there is another party in the federation which is doing politics of hatred and division in this country. They have turned politics into personal enmity and only want political revenge. “They don’t care about the damage done to the country, the federation, democracy and the economy as a result of this kind of politics, but they are worried, only to sit in the chair for the fourth time.” 

Addressing the people of Hyderabad, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that I have come up with my 10-point election manifesto, which is my promise to the people. “Insha Allah, if you make me your Prime Minister, if I take over the federal government, I will implement these ten points,” he vowed. He reiterated that he would double the income of the people by becoming the Prime Minister of the country, build three million houses for homeless families and give their ownership rights to the women of these houses; and provide 300 units of solar power free of cost to the poor; To provide financial assistance to the youth, Benazir Kisan Card, Benazir Labor Card and Benazir Youth Card will be issued, at least one university will be established in each district; ensure provision of quality and free treatment facilities; and launch hunger eradication programs. 

Highlighting the resources required to implement his election manifesto, he said he would close down the 17 ministries at the Centre, which were to be transferred to the provinces after the 18th constitutional amendment, and a huge amount of Rs 300 billion was being spent on them annually, and continued: “I will spend these 300 billion rupees on the welfare of the people.” He furthered that 1500 billion rupees are given to the elite every year in the name of subsidies, and he will also stop this trend. “I will also take away this subsidy from the elite and put it in the pockets of the women, youth, labourers and farmers of this country,” he announced.

The PPP chairman said that the contest in the election is now between the PPP and the PML-N. He appealed to the people “to foil the conspiracy to make someone prime minister for the fourth time” by stamping on the Arrow symbol on the ballot paper on February 8. He added: “If you are asked to stamp on the Kite,, you should answer them that we do not vote for those who clap on anti-Pakistan slogans and take money from RAW to do politics in Pakistan.” In his appeal to the people, he further said that they should not waste their votes by voting for those who do politics on the basis of religion and independent candidates. 

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari took oath from the PPP candidates of Hyderabad district that they will serve the people without any discrimination after winning the elections. He also appealed to the people to make PPP candidates victorious in all the seats of Hyderabad by stamping on the Arrow on February 8.

Former President of Pakistan and President of Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari has said that the people Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)

Former President of Pakistan and President of Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari has said that the people Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) want justice from the international community under the domain of the United Nations.

In his message on Kashmir Solidarity Day, he said that Occupied Kashmir has become largest prison in the world today, where violation of human rights has become a daily routine.

Asif Ali Zardari said that Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto participated in the United Nations meeting as the Prime Minister along with the political leadership of IIOJK. Now the Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has exposed Modi’s brutalities in Occupied Kashmir at the international level.

Asif Ali Zardari said that the freedom of IIOJK from the Indian yoke will establish lasting peace in the region.

The former President said that international human rights organizations should raise their voices against the atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. 

He said that freedom of Kashmiri people is their fundamental and democratic right and the PPP Party will continue to extend political and moral support to the democratic struggle of Kashmiri people for their right of self-determination.

President Asif Ali Zardari address public gathering in Talagang

Talagang/Islamabad, 4 February 2024: Former President of Pakistan and President Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians, Asif Ali Zardari addressing the Jiyalas in Talagang said that he is among his own people. “My sons from Chakwal invited me, and I had to answer their call”, President Zardari said. He further said that he has made the commitment to serve the people of Talagang. The PPP government initiated the revolutionary, internationally acclaimed Benazir Income Support Programme and doubled the salaries of the government employees. The inflation currently faced by the people is high to the extent that even four times their salary is not sufficient to compensate it. These rulers do not want to give the due prices of your crops, President Zardari said. 

President Zardari said that others do not wish for the people of Pakistan to make money. We will provide the growers due price of their crops. We will compensate the people of this area who require several facilities by providing gas connections and infrastructure among numerous other amenities once a PPP government is formed, President Zardari expressed.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addresses in Chhachhro/Mitthi

Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, has appealed to the nation to vote for his “Nai Soch” in the February 8 general elections pledging that after winning the elections, he will bury the politics of hatred and division in the country forever, which harms the nation, federation, and economy.

He also criticized the PML-N’s limited focus on specific areas within one province, stating that Nawaz Sharif is not campaigning in Sindh because of he didn’t make any contributions to the province’s development.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari announced that the incoming PPP government would gift a train service by laying a track from Karachi to Tharparkar, aiming at to provide quality and low-cost travel facilities to the people of the desert district.

According to a press release issued by the Media Cell Bilawal House, the PPP chairman visited Chhachhro town in Tharparkar district on Saturday as part of his nationwide election campaign. He addressed a huge public meeting, expressing gratitude for the full participation of the people and stating that the people of Chhachhro and Tharparkar have already given their verdict before February 8. He emphasized that the relationship between the PPP and the people is not just political but filled with love, and vowed to be together for the rest of their lives.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari pointed out that an individual seeking a fourth term as prime minister, is also making false statements about the Thar-coal project. He asked the people of Chhachhro, “Who made the Thar coal project?” to which the public replied, “Benazir, Benazir….” He explained that the Thar coal project was planned to benefit the people of Tharparkar economically.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari assured the people that he would not allow the Karonjhar Mountain in the district to be damaged by the elite, stating, “I will cut off the hands that move towards Karonjhar. Here, if anyone has the right to do business, it is the locals first.”

He emphasized that he is the only politician seeking votes from the people, while others are “looking at left and right”. He urged the public to come out in large numbers on February 8, saying that no power in the world can stop him if they do so.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari criticized opponents aiming for a puppet government in Karachi to exploit the rights of people in Sindh. He pointed out that those contesting elections with the Star symbol in Sindh are facilitating those with the Tiger symbol, serving Lahore and Raiwind only.

He identified inflation, poverty, and unemployment as the three biggest problems and presented the PPP’s election manifesto, the “People’s Economic Agreement.” He mentioned that the manifesto has been translated into Sindhi, Saraiki, Balochi, Pashto, English, and Urdu. He pledged to double the income of the people, provide 300 units of free solar power, build three million house units with ownership rights for women, increase the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), and offer interest-free loans to women for business. He also announced the launch of Benazir Kisan Card, Benazir Mazdoor Card, and Benazir Youth Card programs to assist farmers, laborers, and youth. Additionally, he promised to establish at least one university in each district and improve the public health system with free treatment facilities, similar to NICVD, SIUT, and Gambat Medical Institute. He concluded by announcing the “Bhook Mittao Program” to provide at least one meal to primary school children.

The PPP chairman emphasized that his party believes in serving the people without discrimination. He appealed to the people of Tharparkar to support PPP candidates Dr. Mahesh Malani, Faqir Sher Muhammad Bilalani, Arbab Lutfullah, Amir Ali Shah Jilani, Dost Muhammad Rahmoon anf Qasim Siraj Soomro on February 8 and took an oath from these candidates to serve the people without discrimination after winning the elections.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addresses in Shikarpur

Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the burden of the battle for the “Takht-e-Lahore” is being borne by the people in the form of inflation, unemployment, and poverty. He added that other parties want to divide the populace on the basis of religion, language, and sectarianism, while, “I want to serve the nation without discrimination.”

According to the press release issued by Media Cell Bilawal House, the PPP chairman reached Shikarpur from Naudero on Friday in connection with his nationwide election campaign, where a charged crowd of people welcomed him and listened his speech. In his address, he said that if there is any party that can solve the problems of the people, it is only his party, the PPP. “I have prepared a People’s Economic Agreement, which is my 10-point agenda. I will fight unemployment, inflation, and poverty by becoming your Prime Minister. These are ‘the real problems of the people of Pakistan.’ The people of Pakistan want a government that can reduce inflation, which can provide employment to the youth. You know that the PPP has been fighting the problems of unemployment and poverty faced by the people for three generations, not from today,” he added. He recalled that when Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was alive, it used to be a popular slogan among the people that “Benazir Aaey Gi, Rozgar Laey Gi (Benazir will come, bring employment).” “The next government will be of the PPP, and I will complete the unfinished mission of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, and provide employment for the youth,” he vowed.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that after the 2018 elections, whether he was in the opposition or in the government, he represented the people’s voice. He said that we faced many difficulties in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic and floods. “When I came here (Shikarpur) during the floods, the victims, especially the women, demanded that their houses be built. Despite a few months left for the government’s term to end, I traveled around the world and raised funds to build houses for flood victims. We are building two million houses for the flood victims, and I will fulfill that promise. I will give the ownership rights of these houses to the women of these houses,” he added.

The PPP chairman said that except his party, all other parties are doing politics of hatred and division. “Old politicians have turned dissent into personal enmity. It is harming Pakistan; Pakistan’s economy is suffering,” he said, adding that the same forces want to sow the seeds of politics of hatred and division in Sindh as well. He said the PPP does not believe in the politics of hatred, division, and revenge. “If you support me on February 8, I will bury the politics of hatred and division by becoming your prime minister,” he pledged.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari appealed to the people to make his party’s candidates successful by stamping the Arrow symbol on February 8. He appealed to the participants to make Agha Siraj Durrani, Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Shehryar Mahar, Arif Khan Mahar, Mehboob Ali Khan Bijarani, and Mir Shabbir Bijarani successful in the elections, due next week. “I want 100 per cent seats from Shikarpur, yes 100 percent. If you give me a thumping majority, it will be easier for me to solve your problems. I’m sure you won’t disappoint me,” he concluded.